Sandcastle Help File Builder

 Sandcastle Help File Builder The Sandcastle Help File Builder was created to fill in the gaps, provide the missing NDoc-like features that are used most often, and provide standalone GUI and command line based tools to build a help file in an automated fashion. A Visual Studio integration package is also available for it Read more about Sandcastle Help File Builder[…]

ReSharper – Friend or Foe?

Most developers that have been around the block have heard of Resharper and similar “productivity tools”.  The purpose is to add helpful hints, styling tips, real time code analysis, and many more time saving functions. ReSharper is a renowned productivity tool that makes Microsoft Visual Studio a much better IDE. Thousands of .NET developers worldwide Read more about ReSharper – Friend or Foe?[…]

Excessive comments add clutter to code. True?

This is a red herring argument I hear often from developers that don’t like maintaining comments in code.  By asserting that too many comments will detract from the quality of the code, it’s easier to get away with fewer or none at all. (see Slippery Slope)   I’ve yet to see code that is commented Read more about Excessive comments add clutter to code. True?[…]

If code is well written, it doesn’t need to be commented. True?

I’m not sure where this myth started but this is one I wish would disappear quickly.  This is another argument I hear often from developers that don’t like maintaining comments in code.  The assumption is that if all developers on the project were to write flawless, self-explanatory and similarly formatted code, no value would be obtained Read more about If code is well written, it doesn’t need to be commented. True?[…]